David Markson


If I had understood why I was doing that, doubtless I would not have been mad. Had I not been mad, doubtless I would not have done it at all. I am less than positive that those last two sentences make any particular sense.



You will say that I am old and mad, was what Michelangelo wrote, but I answer that there is no better way of being sane and free from anxiety than by being mad. On my honor, Michelangelo once wrote that. As a matter of fact I am next to positive I would have liked Michelangelo.



Wandering through this endless nothingness. Once in a while, when I was not mad, I would turn poetic instead. I honestly did let myself think about things in such ways. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me. For instance I thought about them like that, also. In a manner of speaking, I thought about them like that. Actually I underlined that sentence in a book, named the Pensees, when I was in college. Doubtless I underlined the sentence about wandering through an endless nothingness in somebody else’s book, as well.



One manner of being alone simply being different from another manner of being alone, being all that she would finally decide that this came down to, as well. Which is to say that even when one’s telephone still does function one can be as alone as when it does not.
